The step-by-step course for HR professionals ready to conduct workplace investigations with confidence, ease, and integrity.


We both know that there’s nothing worse than feeling:

picture of Saira from the neck down in professional attire
  • Overwhelmed by all the information about workplace investigations on the internet machine (they tell you WHAT to do but not HOW to do it!)


  • The stress and pressure to take the right next step in the investigation (even when you’re not quite sure what that should be…)


  • Stuck in the land of stew not do because you don’t want to make a mistake


  • Like you’re stuck on a desert island, alone left to build a shelter or forage for food (ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic… but I just mean feeling like you’re all alone in this without access to a strong mentor to guide you)

But you know what?


Investigations happen.

They aren’t optional.

And they’re critical to get right.

Hi, I'm Saira

(pronounced “sy-rah”)!

a positive testimonial from a previous course student





picture of Saira Gangji experienced and licensed workplace investigator

Hi, I'm Saira

(pronounced “sy-rah”)!

I'm an independent licensed workplace investigator with 20+ years of HR experience and 100+ investigations under my belt dealing with discrimination, harassment, violence, and misconduct.


I’m committed to conducting workplace investigations the right way (vs. the easy way)…and it shows.

Saira Workplace Investigation Bootcamp Creator

Since then, I've developed an approach and

applied it to 100+ workplace investigations to discover the truth and

create the best possible outcomes with maximum respect and care for everyone involved.

A thoughtful, thorough, and timely investigation even has a few side benefits:

  • Reducing turnover

  • Building trust and confidence in leadership and the investigation process

  • Increasing feelings of psychological safety

  • Making your company culture stronger and more cohesive than ever

Investigations with Integrity

a behind the scenes sneak peek into The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp course and training
professional picture of Saira Gangji

This course should be a template for all HR courses - it’s what every HR course should be and isn’t. Useful.  


The time you invest in taking The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp will save you a ton of time (and heartache) on your next investigation. It’s like the blueprint for investigations I needed and didn’t know existed.


The templates are an 11/10! So practical! This course delivers the HOW and I love it!

Robin B., Director, People & Culture

Imagine what it will feel like to…

  • Gain more confidence (and decrease the stress!) when conducting workplace investigations


  • Know the right steps to take in the right order while having a box of tools and customizable templates for each step of the investigation process


  • Know the right questions to ask of the right people in the right moments to determine what happened


Saira Gangji types on her laptop

Let's take a walk through the course:

magnifying glass icon


a heart monitor icon
gym weights icon



clock icon
lotus icon


  • Bonus 2:  a quick reference guide and master list of all the tools, templates, and checklists in the course (hint: there are a lot of them!)


  • Bonus 3:  a sample Workplace Investigation Report


what's included in The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp course including templates, checklists, and tool

Option Two: Payment Plan


We’ll whip your workplace investigations into shape

(without the dreaded after leg day burn)! 

That depends on you. There are three paths to completion:

Path One

6 weeks for a moderate pace

(one module per week )

Path Two

3 months for a leisurely pace

(two modules per month )

Path Three

5 days for a binge pace

(because I see you and I know that some of you will skip the homework and the exercises, no matter how much I encourage you to do them 😂)


It really comes down to how much time, effort, energy, and commitment you put into the course!

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp teaches you why a highly organized workplace investigation process is critical to the success of your company and more importantly, to your employees. You’ll also learn HOW to conduct a flawless investigation. If you are a leader in your company and corporate culture is important to you, then you must take this course.


After completing The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp, I definitely feel more confident about conducting my next workplace investigation.


Jennifer A.

Chief People Officer

I joined The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp to gain a beginner’s level foundational understanding of workplace investigations. Before the course, I struggled to find practical information about workplace investigations online, and I felt intimidated by the workplace investigation process.


After completing The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp, I have a deeper understanding of investigations from start to finish. This course balances the nitty-gritty details and the bigger picture meaning without being overwhelming.  


The balance in The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp truly gives you a well-rounded understanding of the topic and conjoins the “what”, the “why” and the “how” perfectly.

Zoe D.

Senior HR Administrator

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp is EPIC!


This comprehensive online training offers great tools and helpful concepts that reflect current best practices in the evolving world of investigations.  


Saira finds a wonderful balance - emphasizing the critical role that empathy and humanity play in a successful investigation while still ensuring investigations are done thoroughly and the right conclusions are reached. 


Anyone who is responsible for conducting investigations should take it.

Elizabeth D.

People & Culture Consultant

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp FAQs

How long will I have access to The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp?

What's the point of the Facebook group?

Do you offer refunds?

How long will the course take?

Is this course right for me if I've never conducted a workplace investigation before?

Is this course right for me if I've already conducted workplace investigations before but I'm just looking for some best practices, tools, templates, and checklists?

We're a small, bootstrapped company and any spending needs to be justifiable. Is this a course we could take as we're conducting an investigation to walk us through as we go? 

Is this course a magic pill 💊?

Why is pizza 🍕the best food ever invented? 

Saira holding a cup of coffee and standing next to her laptop

And a final note...




This course keeps you on the right track and makes sure you’re taking the right next steps in the right order.


This course is filled with templates, tools, and checklists so that you’re not wasting a ton of time on Google trying to figure out what to say next and how to say it.


This course makes workplace investigations feel EASIER, less stressful, and smoother.


This course gives you the competence and confidence to conduct workplace investigations with integrity.


This course will help you sleep at night.


In the words of Glennon Doyle, “We Can Do Hard Things.”


I believe that you are capable of doing hard things the right way.


And while you absolutely can figure it out and do it on your own, I’d love to help you get started and be your guide.


So, if now isn’t the right time for you to join me, or this isn’t the right course for you, I totally respect that.


But if this is something that you are ready for, know that I couldn’t be more excited to start this journey with you, to support you along the way, and to cheer wildly from the sidelines for all the success that you’re destined to have. 

Saira's sign off signature


I’ve created a course that my younger HR self would’ve loved to have taken when I first started conducting workplace investigations — one that is practical, actionable and provides a clear roadmap without all the guesswork.


If you put in the work, it will work.

My confidence in the workplace investigation process and my role to play as the investigator grew more and more through each module of The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp.


The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp would be valuable for folks new to workplace investigations and experienced workplace investigators alike.

Maradyn W.

Senior Manager, People Operations

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp is the most thorough and thoughtful online resource you will find.


I joined The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp to develop my workplace investigation skills and enhance my HR/ADR practice and offerings.  After completing the course, I feel much more prepared to identify when an investigation is necessary, but also how to undertake the whole process. 


The templates are 🔥!  The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp includes everything you need to conduct an investigation with confidence. 

Sarah A.

Conflict Coach, Mediator & HR Consultant

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp is amazing!


If you are worried about what to do if you receive a complaint, you don’t have to anymore! The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp guides you through the who, what, why, when and how!


This course is so comprehensive.

 The information, templates and workflows would make anyone look like a seasoned investigator - even if they've never conducted one.

Katie C.

Manager, Human Resources

Join us inside

The Workplace Investigation Bootcamp 

Option Two: Payment Plan